Community Commitment
The Village Bank has made a pledge to its customers – a promise that we will always do business in a way that proves how much we value their business. Along with that vow to customers is our promise to the community – a commitment to help enhance the quality of life in the villages we serve.
This promise to our neighbors is outlined in a formal Community Commitment Initiative (CCI) that has built a strong internal volunteerism culture and fostered rewarding relationships with local organizations seeking our sponsorship and support throughout the year.
Village Volunteers
Our employees routinely serve as Village Bank ambassadors out in the community, sharing their time and talents with more than 200 civic, educational, and charitable organizations addressing the needs of individuals and families, youth and seniors, the homeless and the hungry, and countless others each year. In addition, more than two dozen of our employees are active members of the boards and standing committees of community groups.
Like the Bank itself, our Village Volunteers play an important and prominent role in the life of the community – and would like to help at your event! Please let us know, in advance, if the participation of Village Volunteers would be beneficial to the success of your event. We will make every attempt to be of assistance.
For information please contact:
Sue Chapman
Assistant Vice President, Community Relations
The Village Bank
(617) 467-6102
Let's Get Started
For more information or answers to any questions, please visit our Customer Care Center, use our Contact Form, or call us at (617) 969-4300.

I’m with The Village Bank because…
The people at The Village Bank understand my business and take a very personal approach to all of my banking needs. We have been doing business with The Village Bank for many years and have never had a bad experience.