Deposit Account Agreement
DEFINITIONS. Throughout this Agreement, these terms have the following meaning:
- “You,” “your,” “account owner,” and “party” refer to the depositor (whether joint or individual) named on the account.
- “We,” “our,” and “us” refer to the financial institution.
- The acronym “NOW” means Negotiable Order of Withdrawal.
- “Item” or “items,” as defined by Article 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), means an instrument or a promise or order to pay money handled by a financial institution for collection or payment. The term includes a check but does not include a payment order governed by Article 4A of the UCC or a credit or debit card slip.
- “Debit transactions,” “debit,” or “debits” refer to funds that are taken out of your account. Common types of debits may include: checks or drafts that you have written, ACH payments, wire transfers, PIN-based debit card transactions, and signature-based debit card transactions.
- “Credit transactions,” “credit,” or “credits” refer to deposits of funds into your account. Common types of credits include: cash deposits, direct deposits, check deposits, and ACH and wire transfers made payable to you. Credits are generally added to your account and are made available to you in accordance with our funds availability schedule.
GENERAL AGREEMENT. You understand the following Account Agreement (“Agreement”) governs your account with us. Your account is also governed by other applicable documents, such as the Truth In Savings Account Disclosure and Privacy Policy, and where applicable, the Funds Availability Policy and Electronic Fund Transfer (Agreement and) Disclosure (“Disclosures”), which are incorporated by reference. By providing a written or electronic signature on the Account Information document or other agreement to open your account, or by using any of our deposit account services, you and any identified account owners agree to the terms contained in this Account Agreement.
GENERAL RULES. The following rules apply to all types of accounts:
1. Authorization to Obtain Information. You authorize us to check your account, credit and employment history, and obtain reports from third parties, including credit and consumer reporting agencies, to verify your eligibility for the account, products and services you request and for other accounts, products, or services we may offer you or for which you may qualify.
2. Deposits. Deposits may be made in person, by mail, or in another form and manner as agreed by us in our sole discretion. We are not responsible for transactions mailed until we actually receive and record them. We may, at our sole discretion, refuse to accept particular items as deposits. Cash deposits are credited to your account according to this Agreement. Other items you deposit are handled by us according to our usual collection practices. If an item you deposit is returned unpaid, we will debit your account and adjust any interest earned. You are liable to us for the amount of any item you deposit to your account that is returned unpaid. In addition, you are liable to us for all costs and expenses related to the collection of any or all of that amount from you. Funds deposited to your account are available in accordance with the Disclosures.
3. Collection of Deposited Items. In receiving items for deposit or collection, we act only as your agent and assume no responsibility beyond the exercise of ordinary care. All items are credited subject to final settlement in cash or credits. We shall have the right to forward items to correspondents including all Federal Reserve Banks, and we shall not be liable for default or neglect of said correspondents for loss in transit, nor shall any correspondent be liable except for its own negligence. You specifically authorize us or our correspondents to utilize Federal Reserve Banks to handle such items in accordance with provisions of Regulation J (12 CFR Part 210), as revised or amended from time to time by the Federal Reserve Board. In the event we are subject to local clearinghouse rules, you specifically authorize us to handle such items in accordance with the rules and regulations of the clearinghouse.
If we permit you to withdraw funds from your account before final settlement has been made for any deposited item, and final settlement is not made, we have the right to charge your account or obtain a refund from you. In addition, we may charge back any deposited item at any time before final settlement for whatever reason. We shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the exercise of these rights. Except as may be attributable to our lack of good faith or failure to exercise ordinary care, we will not be liable for dishonor resulting from any reversal of credit, return of deposited items or for any damages resulting from any of those actions.
4. Set-offs and Security Interest. If you ever owe us money as a borrower, guarantor, or otherwise, and it becomes due, we have the right under the law (called “set-off’) and under this Agreement (by which you grant us security interest in your deposit account and any other accounts held by you) to use your account funds to pay the debt, where permitted by law. If your account is held jointly, that is, if there is more than one account owner, we may offset funds for the debt of any one of the joint owners. Similarly, we may also set-off funds from the individual accounts of any one of the joint owners to satisfy obligations or debts in the joint account. The security interest granted by this Agreement is consensual and is in addition to our right to set-off.
5. Claims. In response to any garnishment, attachment, restraining order, injunction, levy, citation to discover assets, judgment, reclamation, other order of court or other legal process (“Claim(s)”), we have the right to place a hold on, remove from your account(s) and/or remit to the designated third-party(ies) any amount on deposit in your account as set forth in and required by such Claim(s). If the account(s) is/are held jointly, we may place the hold, remove from the account(s) and/or remit the amounts from the account(s) arising from any Claim(s) relating to any one or more of the account holders. In addition, we may charge against your account(s) any fee authorized by law in connection with the Claim(s) or as otherwise set forth in the Disclosures.
6. Expenses. You agree to be liable to us for any loss, costs or expenses that we incur as a result of any dispute involving your account, including reasonable attorneys’ fees to the extent permitted by law, and you authorize us to deduct such loss, costs or expenses from your account without prior notice to you. This obligation includes disputes between yourself and us involving the account and situations where we become involved in disputes between you and an authorized signer, another joint owner, or a third-party claiming an interest in the account. It also includes situations where you, an authorized signer, another joint owner, or a third-party takes action with respect to the account that causes us, in good faith, to seek the advice of counsel, whether or not we actually become involved in a dispute.
7. Financial Exploitation. As permitted by law, we may act or decline to act to prevent, stop, or mitigate financial exploitation of an adult. For example, we may (1) delay, decline, or place a hold on a transaction or disbursement involving the adult; (2) approve or deny other requests or modifications to the account, such as a transfer of funds, change in ownership, or change in beneficiaries; or (3) notify a third party of the financial exploitation. We will not be liable for the actions we take on the account if we acted in good faith and exercised reasonable care. For purposes of this section, “adult” means vulnerable adult, elder adult, senior adult, eligible adult, or other person as defined by applicable law.
8. Dormant/Inactive Accounts. You understand that if your account is dormant or inactive, you may be charged the fee specified in the Disclosures and we may stop paying interest to the extent permitted by law. You understand that your account balance may be escheated (that is, turned over to the state) in accordance with state law.
9. Joint, Trust, Fiduciary and Custodial Accounts. You acknowledge that if your account is set up as a joint, trust, fiduciary or custodial account, it is your sole responsibility to determine the legal effects of opening and maintaining an account of this nature.
10. Individual Account. The named party in an individual account owns the account and may withdraw all or some of the account. On the death of the party, ownership passes as part of the party’s estate.
11. Joint Account. If this is a joint account, all deposits are the property of the person(s) indicated on the account and we may release all or any part of the amount in the account to honor checks, orders, or other items or withdrawals or requests from any person named on this account. Any person named on the account is liable for the amount of any overdraft fees regardless of whether he or she signed the item or benefited from the proceeds of the item. Upon receiving written notice from any person named on the account, we may freeze the account. The account may be frozen until we receive written notice, signed by all parties named in the account, as to the disposition of funds. We may use the funds to satisfy a debt or judgment of any person named on this account if ordered to do so by a court of law.
12. Joint Account With/Without Right of Survivorship. If this is a joint account with right of survivorship. on the death of one of the account holders, that person’s interest in the account immediately vests in the surviving joint account holder(s) as their separate property. If this is a joint account without right of survivorship and we receive written notice of the death of a joint account holder, we may freeze the account until we receive satisfactory evidence as to the disposition of the account.
13. In Trust For Account. If this account is noted as an In Trust For account, the trustee(s) may change the named beneficiary(ies) at any time by a written direction to us. The trustee(s) reserves the right to withdraw all or part of the deposit at any time. Such payment or withdrawal shall constitute a revocation of the trust agreement as to the amount withdrawn. The beneficiary(ies) acquires the right to withdraw only if: (i) all of the trustees die, and (ii) the beneficiary is then living. The beneficiary(ies) is only entitled to the amount that is in the trust after all of the trustee’s(s’) outstanding debits and items have been paid. If all of the beneficiaries predecease the trustee(s), the named beneficiary’s(ies’) death shall terminate the trust and title to the money that is credited to the trust shall vest in the trustee(s). If two or more beneficiaries are named and survive the death of all of the trustees, such beneficiaries will own this account in equal shares without right of survivorship, unless otherwise indicated. If the primary beneficiary predeceases the owner(s), when two or more contingent beneficiaries are named and survive the death of the owner(s), such beneficiaries will own this account in equal shares without the right of survivorship, unless otherwise indicated. Named beneficiaries are assumed to be primary unless indicated as contingent.
14. Custodial Account. A custodial account is subject to applicable law as adopted by the state in which the account is opened. The documents that authorize the custodianship may be required for the account. An account opened under the Uniform Transfers/Gifts to Minors Act must be opened in the name of a custodian “as custodian for (name of minor) under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.” There may be only one custodian and one minor as beneficiary for each minor account.
15. Account For Minors. We may require any account established by a minor to be a joint account with an owner who has reached the age of majority under state law and who is jointly and severally liable to us for any returned Item, overdraft, or unpaid amount on such account and for any related fees and charges. We may pay funds directly to the minor regardless of their age. Unless a parent or guardian is an account owner, the parent or guardian will not have access to the account. We have no duty to inquire about the use or purpose of any transaction except as required by applicable law. We may not change the account status when the minor reaches the age of majority unless the change is authorized in writing by all account owners.
16. Authorized Signer (Agent) Designation. If you designate an agent, your named agent may make account transactions for you but has no ownership or rights at death unless named as a Payable on Death beneficiary or named as an In Trust For beneficiary, if applicable. If you have designated that the agent shall continue to have power after your disability or incapacity, the agent’s authority survives your disability or incapacity. The agent may act for a disabled or incapacitated party until the authority of the agent is terminated. If you have noted that the agent shall not have power after your disability or incapacity, the agent’s authority terminates upon your disability or incapacity. If you failed to specify whether or not the agent’s authority survives or instead terminates upon your disability or incapacity, the authority will be presumed to survive your disability or incapacity. Death of the sole party or last surviving party terminates the authority of the agent. We may continue to rely on the agency designation to the extent permitted by law, until we have proper notice of an event of termination and have had a reasonable period of time to act upon it.
17. Power of Attorney. If you wish to name another person to act as your attorney in fact or agent in connection with your account, we must approve the form of appointment.
18. Payment of Interest. For interest bearing accounts, interest will be calculated and paid in accordance with the Disclosures provided to you at the time you opened the account.
19. Fees, Service Charges and Balance Requirements. You agree you are responsible for any fees, charges, balance, or deposit requirements as stated in the Disclosures. We also reserve the right to impose a service charge for cashing checks and other items drawn on your account if the person cashing the check or item is not a customer of this financial institution.
20. Special Account Instructions. You may request that we facilitate certain trust, will, or court-ordered account arrangements. However, because we do not give legal advice, we cannot counsel you as to which account arrangement most appropriately meets the specific requirements of your trust, will, or court order. If you ask us to follow any instructions that we believe might expose us to claims, lawsuits, expenses, liabilities, or damages, whether directly or indirectly, we may refuse to follow your instructions or may require you to indemnify us or provide us with other protection. We may require that account changes requested by any account owner, such as adding or closing an account or service, be evidenced by a signed document that evidences a change to an account and accepted by us. You and any surviving owner or beneficiary agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any claim or liability asserted against us as a result of the disposition of funds in reliance on this Agreement and any account designations of yours.
21. Non-Sufficient Funds and Overdrafts. If your account lacks sufficient funds to pay a debit transaction or item presented for payment as determined by your available account balance or actual (ledger) balance, we may (1) return the debit or item, or (2) pay the debit or item at our discretion.
—Available Balance. We use an available balance method to determine if there are sufficient funds in your account to pay a debit transaction or item and to assess non-sufficient funds and overdraft fees.
—How We Decide to Pay a Debit or Item. The available balance reflects deposits and transactions that have been posted to your account and transactions that have not posted to your account, including the following: checks you have written, if applicable; deposit holds; and holds on debit card transactions that have been authorized but not yet posted (i.e., preauthorization holds). These pending transactions and holds reduce your available balance. For example, you have $100 in your account and a pending transaction of $30. Your available balance is $70 because the pending $30 transaction reduces your available account balance.
—How We Assess Fees. If there are insufficient funds to pay a debit transaction or item based on your available balance, we may either: 1) return the debit or item or 2) pay the debit or item at our discretion. We may charge you fees if we return the debit or item, or pay the debit or item on your behalf.
—–Return Item for Non-Sufficient Funds. If we do not pay the debit or item on your behalf and return the debit or item, we may charge you non-sufficient funds fees. Pursuant to National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Operating Rules and Guidelines and other applicable laws, a debit or item may be presented for payment more than one time.
—–Overdrafts. If we pay the debit or item on your behalf, you will be responsible for the overdrawn balance, and we may charge you overdraft fees. As discussed above, subsequent pending transactions and holds impact your available balance, which may cause your account to become overdrawn and subject to overdraft fees. For example, you have $100 in your account. You use your debit card at a gas station and a preauthorization hold of $60 is placed on your account because the amount of the transaction is not known at the time of authorization even though your gas was only $50. The
authorization hold reduces your available account balance to $40. You then spend $50 on groceries. If we pay this debit on your behalf, you will be responsible for paying the overdrawn balance, and we may charge you overdraft fees.
—Actual (Ledger) Balance. We use an actual (ledger) balance method to determine whether there are sufficient funds in your account to pay an item or debit transaction and to assess non-sufficient funds and overdraft fees.
—How We Decide to Pay an Item or Debit. The actual (ledger) balance method calculates your account balance only based on transactions that have settled, and it does not reflect pending transactions or checks, if applicable, that have not posted to your account. For example, you have $100 in your account and a pending transaction of $30. Your actual (ledger) balance is $100 because the pending $30 transaction does not reduce your actual (ledger) account balance until it posts to your account.
—How We Assess Fees. If there are insufficient funds to pay a debit transaction or item based on your actual (ledger) balance, we may either: 1) return the debit or item or 2) pay the debit or item at our discretion. We may charge you fees if we return the debit or item or pay the debit or item on your behalf.
—–Return Item for Non-Sufficient Funds. If we do not pay the debit transaction or item on your behalf and return the debit or item, we may charge you non-sufficient funds fees. Pursuant to NACHA Operating Rules and Guidelines and other applicable laws, a debit or item may be presented for payment more than one time.
—–Overdrafts. If we pay the debit transaction or item on your behalf, you will be responsible for the overdrawn balance, and we may charge you overdraft fees.
We use an available balance to determine if we pay a debit or item and we use an actual (ledger) balance to assess fees. If this is the case, the rules from 1) the Available Balance – How We Decide to Pay a Debit or Item section will apply and pending transactions and holds will reduce your available balance, and 2) the rules from the Actual (Ledger) Balance – How We Assess Fees section will apply and if there are insufficient funds to pay a debit transaction or item, we may, at our discretion, either return the debit or item and charge you non-sufficient funds fees or pay the debit or item and charge you overdraft fees plus you will be responsible for the overdrawn balance.
If applicable, overdrafts may be covered by our standard overdraft practice that comes with your account or an overdraft protection plan, such as a link to an account or a line of credit. As part of our offered standard overdraft practice, we do not authorize and pay overdrafts on ATM or everyday debit card transactions unless you request us to do so. Please refer to the Overdraft Services Consent Form for more information about overdrafts and our standard overdraft policies, if applicable, and refer to your Truth In Savings disclosure for more information about our overdraft privilege policy.
22. Processing Order. We will process debit and credit transactions in accordance with our processing order policy. The processing order of these debits and credits is important because if your account balance has insufficient funds to pay for the debits and credits in the order that they are processed, we may charge you non-sufficient funds fees if we return the debit or charge you overdraft fees if we pay the debit on your behalf.
23. Amendments and Alterations. Except as prohibited by law, we may amend this Agreement by adding, removing, or changing terms at any time. We will notify you of amendments as required by applicable law. Your continued use of the account evidences your agreement to any amendments. Notices will be sent to the most recent address shown on the account records. Only one notice will be given in the case of joint account holders.
24. Severability. If a court for any reason holds a provision of this Agreement to be unenforceable, the rest remains fully enforceable. All headings are intended for reference only and are not to be construed as part of the Agreement.
25. Enforcement. You are liable to us for any losses, costs, or expenses we incur resulting from your failure to follow this Agreement. You authorize us to deduct any such losses, costs, or expenses from your account without prior notice to you. If we bring a legal action to collect any amount due under or to enforce this Agreement, we shall be entitled, subject to applicable law, to payment of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, including fees on any appeal, bankruptcy proceedings, and any post judgment collection actions.
26. Notices. You are responsible for notifying us of any address or name changes, the death of an account holder or other information affecting your account. Notices must be in a form and manner acceptable to us with enough information to allow us to identify the account. Notice sent by you to us is not effective until we have received it and have a reasonable opportunity to act on it. Written notice sent by us to you is effective when mailed to the last address supplied.
27. Liability. If we do not properly complete a transaction according to this Agreement, we will be liable for your losses or damages not to exceed the amount of the transaction, except as otherwise provided by law. We will not be liable if, for example: (1) your account contains an insufficient available balance for the transaction; (2) circumstances beyond our control prevent the transaction; (3) your loss is caused by your or another financial institution’s negligence; or (4) your account funds are subject to legal process or other claim. We will not be liable for consequential damages, except liability for wrongful dishonor. We are not responsible for checks that are paid by us if we acted in a commercially reasonable manner and exercised ordinary care. We exercise ordinary care if our actions or non-actions are consistent with applicable state law, Federal Reserve regulations and operating letters, clearing house rules, and general financial institution practices followed in the area we serve. You grant us the right, in making payments of deposited funds, to rely exclusively on the form of the account and the terms of this Agreement. Any conflict regarding what you and our employees say or write will be resolved by reference to this Agreement.
28. Taxpayer Identification Number and Backup Withholding. You must provide a taxpayer identification number (hereinafter TIN) with your account with us. If you fail to provide your TIN within a reasonable time, we may suspend opening your account or close your account and return the balance to you, less any applicable service fees. We may withhold taxes from interest earned on your account as required by federal or state law or regulations. Your failure to furnish a correct TIN or meet other requirements may result in backup withholding. If your account is subject to backup withholding, we must withhold and pay to the Internal Revenue Service a percentage of interest and certain other payments.
29. Certified Beneficial Owner Information. If you are obligated to certify beneficial owner information at the time the account is opened, you are responsible for notifying us of any changes to the certified beneficial ownership information that was provided to us. Notice should be made to us as soon as practical upon a change to the beneficial ownership information in a form and manner acceptable to us.
30. Unlawful Internet Gambling. Restricted transactions are prohibited from being processed through your account with us as required by the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 and Regulation GG. A restricted transaction is a transaction or transmittal involving any credit, funds, instrument, or proceeds in connection with the participation of another person in unlawful Internet gambling. You will notify us if your business practices regarding Internet gambling change in the future.
31. Telephone and Electronic Communication. You agree that we may call or send text messages to you at the telephone numbers that you provide to us, including a cell phone number, which may result in charges to you, for informational purposes regarding your account(s) with us. These calls and text messages may be made from an automatic telephone dialing system (i.e., an autodialer) or from an artificial or prerecorded voice message system. Additionally, you agree that we may send electronic communication to you at the email addresses you provide to us. You may contact us at any time if you no longer want to receive these communications from us. You also agree that we may monitor and record telephone and electronic communications that affect your account(s) with us to the extent permitted by law. We need not provide further notice to you or receive additional approval.
32. Online or Mobile Services. If you open an account or obtain a product or service from us using our online or mobile services, we may record your personal information from a scan or a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card, or we may receive an image or make a copy of your driver’s license or other personal identification card. We may store or retain this information to the extent permitted by law.
33. Closing Account. We may close the account at any time, with or without cause, after sending you notice if advance notice is required by law. If applicable, a notice may be sent to you that specifies when the account will be closed. At our discretion, we have the authority to pay an otherwise properly payable item, which is presented after the closing of your account. Such termination will not release you from any fees or other obligations incurred before the termination. We will send a check for the balance in our possession to which you are entitled.
34. Transfers and Assignments. We may assign or transfer any or all of our interest in this account. You cannot assign or transfer any interest in your account unless we agree in writing.
35. Applicable Laws and Regulations. You understand that this Agreement is governed by the laws of the state in which the account is opened unless federal law controls. Changes in these laws may change the terms and conditions of your account. We will notify you of any changes as required by law. If any of the terms of this Agreement come into conflict with the applicable law and are declared to be invalid or unenforceable, those terms will be nullified to the extent that they are inconsistent with the law and the applicable law will govern. However, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
36. ACH and Wire Transfers. This Agreement is subject to Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code – Funds Transfers as adopted by the state in which the account is opened. If you send or receive a wire transfer, you agree that Fedwire® Funds Service may be used. Federal Reserve Board Regulation J is the law that covers transactions made over Fedwire® Funds Service. When you originate a funds transfer for which Fedwire® Funds Service is used, and you identify by name and number a beneficiary financial institution, an intermediary financial institution or a beneficiary, we and every receiving or beneficiary institution may rely on the identifying number to make payment. We may rely on the number even if it identifies a financial institution, person or account other than the one named. If you are a party to an Automated Clearing House (“ACH”) entry, you agree that we may transmit an entry through the ACH, and you agree to be bound by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) Operating Rules and Guidelines, the rules of any local ACH, and the rules of any other systems through which the entry is made.
—Provisional Payment. Credit we give you is provisional until we receive final settlement for that entry. If we do not receive final settlement, you agree that we are entitled to a refund of the amount credited to you in connection with the entry, and the party making payment to you via such entry (i.e., the originator of the entry) shall not be deemed to have paid you in the amount of such entry.
—Notice of Receipt. We will not provide you with notice of our receipt of the order, unless we are so requested by the transfer originator in the order. However, we will continue to notify you of the receipt of payments in the periodic statements we provide to you.
—Choice of Law. We may accept on your behalf payments to your account which have been transmitted, that are not subject to the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, and your rights and obligations with respect to such payments shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the state where we are located.
—International ACH Transactions. If your transaction originates from a financial agency that is outside of the territorial jurisdiction of the United States, it may be subject to additional review for compliance with the rules of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). If additional review is required, the International ACH transaction will not be available to you until it passes final verification.
37. Direct Deposit. We may offer direct deposit services, including preauthorized deposits (e.g., payroll checks, Social Security or retirement checks, or other government checks) or preauthorized transfers from other accounts. If your account is overdrawn, you authorize us to deduct the amount of the overdraft from any deposit, including deposits of government payments or benefits. If we are required to reimburse the U.S. government for any benefit payment directly deposited into your account, we may deduct the amount returned from any of your accounts, unless prohibited by law.
38. Real-Time Payments. You may send and receive certain payments or payment-related messages through a real-time payments system, such as The Clearing House’s Real Time Payment (RTP®) network or the Federal Reserve’s FedNow® Service. Real-time payments, or instant payments, allow you to have immediate availability of these funds twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and fifty-two (52) weeks a year. These payments may be subject to transaction limits (e.g., $500,000) and settlement is final and irrevocable. Real-time payments are intended for domestic payments only. Payments sent or received by a person outside of the United States are prohibited. Transfers using a real-time payments system are subject to the applicable operating or governing rules of the real-time payments system used, as well as the Uniform Commercial Code 4A in effect in the state in which we are located, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regulation E), and the rules of OFAC.
39. Stop Payments.
Stop Payments on Checks. If you request us to stop payment on a check you have written, you will give written or other confirmation as allowed by us within 14 days of making the request. If you fail to confirm an oral stop payment request within the 14 days, unless our policy provides otherwise, we reserve the right to cancel the request. Your stop payment request must describe the check or account with reasonable certainty and we must receive the request in a time and way that gives us a reasonable opportunity to act on it. A stop payment on a check you have written will remain in effect until the earlier of 1) six months or other time period not less than six months as specified in the Stop Payment Order, or 2) until we receive written revocation of the stop payment. If the check on which a Stop Payment Order has been placed has not yet cleared or been returned to you by the payee, you may renew the Stop Payment Order for an additional six months by providing a request to us in a record or writing within the time period the Stop Payment Order is in effect. Our acceptance of a stop payment request does not constitute a representation by us that the check has not already been paid or that we have had a reasonable opportunity to act on the request. We may accept a stop payment request on lost or stolen checks, whether a single check or series, unless our policy requires we open a new account for you to ensure your security. Written communication includes communication by electronic record.
Stop Payments on ACH Debits. A Stop Payment Order may be placed on either a one-time debit transfer or on a multiple debit entry transfer. If you request a Stop Payment Order on an Electronic Check Conversion or other one-time debit transfer, we must receive the request, orally or in a record or writing, in a period of time that provides us a reasonable opportunity to act on it prior to acting on the debit entry, otherwise the Stop Payment Order shall be of no effect. If you requested a stop payment on a multiple or future debit entry transfer, we must receive the Stop Payment Order, orally or in a record or writing, at least three business days before a scheduled debit entry. Requests to stop all future payments on an ACH debit transfer may require additional documentation to be supplied to us. Oral stop payment orders are binding on us for 14 calendar days only, unless our policy provides otherwise, and must be confirmed by you in a record or writing within that period. A Stop Payment Order on an ACH debit will remain in effect until the earlier of 1) your withdrawal of the Stop Payment Order, or 2) the return of the debit entry, or, where a Stop Payment Order is applied to more than one debit entry under a specific authorization involving a specific payee (Originator), the return of all such debits. When a stop is placed on a multiple or future debit entry transfer, we may require your confirmation in a record or writing stating that you have canceled your authorization for the transfer with the payee (a Stop Payment Order does not revoke authorization). Written communication includes communication by electronic record.
The Stop Payment Order shall be governed by the provisions of Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted by the state in which the account is opened, the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regulation E), Nacha Operating Rules, and any applicable state law. You may be charged a fee every time you request a Stop Payment Order and for each Stop Payment Order renewal you make. You understand that we may accept the stop payment request from any of the joint owners of the account regardless of who signed the check or authorized the transfer. A release of the Stop Payment Order may be made only by the person who initiated the stop payment request.
40. Checks. All negotiable paper (“checks”) presented for deposit must be in a format that can be processed and we may refuse to accept any check that does not meet this requirement. All endorsements on the reverse side of any check deposited into your account, or on any check issued by you, must be placed on the left side of the check when looking at it from the front, and must be placed so as to not go beyond an area located 1.5 inches from the left edge of the check when looking at it from the front. It is your responsibility to ensure that this requirement is met. You are responsible for any loss incurred by us for failure of an endorsement to meet this requirement.
41. Electronic Checks and Electronically-Created Items. Pursuant to Regulation CC, electronic checks may be treated the same as paper checks for check collection and processing purposes. See the Substitute Checks section for more information. Electronically-created items (“ECI”) are check-like items created in electronic form that never existed in paper form. For example, you set up automatic bill payments with us to pay your utility bill. From your account information, we create an ECI that is sent to your utility company for payment. An ECI cannot be used to create a substitute check since it never existed in paper form.
42. Substitute Checks. To make check processing faster, federal law permits financial institutions to replace original checks with “substitute checks.” These checks are similar in size to original checks with a slightly reduced image of the front and back of the original check. The front of a substitute check states: “This is a legal copy of your check. You can use it the same way you would use the original check.” You may use a substitute check as proof of payment just like the original check. Some or all of the checks that you receive back from us may be substitute check(s). An electronic check can be used to create a substitute check since the electronic image and electronic information was derived from its paper form.
43. Remote Deposit Capture. Remote deposit capture (“RDC”) allows you to make deposits to your account from remote locations by electronically transmitting digital images of your original paper checks, which are drawn on or payable through United States financial institutions in United States dollars to us. We may then use the digital image to create an electronic check or substitute check for collection. If you use our RDC services, if applicable, we may require you to endorse the back of the paper check to indicate that it has been remotely deposited. For example, “for mobile deposit only.”
44. Preauthorized Checks or Drafts. You should guard information about your account (such as your routing number and your account number) as carefully as you would guard blank checks. If you voluntarily give such information about your account to a party which is seeking to sell you goods or services, without physically delivering a check to it, any debit to or withdrawal from your account it initiates will be deemed authorized by you.
45. Stale or Postdated Checks. We reserve the right to pay or dishonor a check more than 6 months old without prior notice to you. If you can write checks on your account, you agree not to postdate any check drawn on the account. If you do and the check is presented for payment before the date of the check, we may pay it or return it unpaid. We are not liable for paying any stale or postdated check. Any damages you incur that we may be liable for are limited to actual damages not to exceed the amount of the check.
46. Verifying Funds Availability for Check. You authorize us to release funds availability information about your account to individuals or merchants who represent to us that they have received a check or other item from you.
47. Check Safekeeping. If you can write checks on your account and utilize check safekeeping or any other system offered by us for the retention of your checks, you understand that the canceled checks will be retained by us and destroyed after a reasonable time period or as required by law. If for any reason we cannot provide you with a copy of a check, our liability will be limited to the lesser of the face amount of the check or the actual damages sustained by you. When you request a copy of a check it may be subject to a fee as defined in the Disclosures.
48. Remotely Created Checks. A remotely created check, as defined in Regulation CC, means a check that is not created by the paying bank and that does not bear a signature applied, or purported to be applied, by the person on whose account the check is drawn. By having a deposit account with us, you certify that all remotely created checks deposited to your account(s) will be expressly and verifiably authorized by the payor. And we reserve the rights to refuse for deposit any such remotely created check if we have any reason to believe that the item is fraudulent in any manner, and to obtain from you the payer’s express, verifiable authorization for any such check.
49. Statements. If your account is a Checking, NOW, Money Market, or Statement Savings account, we will provide you with a periodic statement showing the account activity. The last address you supply us in writing will be deemed the proper address for mailing this statement to you. The account holder who receives this statement is the agent for his/her co-account holder(s) for purposes of receiving the statement and items. You must exercise reasonable care in reviewing your statement and reasonable promptness in notifying us of any discrepancies, such as alterations or forged or unauthorized signatures, even if by the same wrongdoer. You must notify us within 30 days after we mail or otherwise make the statement available to you of any discrepancies, except for transfers governed by the Wire Transfer Agreement. If you fail to notify us with reasonable promptness, you will have no claim against us to the extent permitted by law. Additionally, you agree that we will not be liable for discrepancies reported to us after one year after we mail or otherwise make the statement or items available to you, even if we failed to exercise reasonable care. However, if the discrepancy is the result of an electronic fund transfer, the provisions of our Disclosures will control its resolution. If you do not receive a statement from us because you have failed to claim it, or have supplied us with an incorrect address, we may stop sending your statements until you specifically make written request that we resume sending your statements and you supply us with a proper address.
50. Electronic Statements and Notices. You may have the option to have statements and notices regarding this account provided to you in an electronic form, including to a designated e-mail address, through an online banking portal, or other electronic method, upon your authorization. The authorization may be withdrawn at any time to return to a mailed paper form by providing written notice to us at the address provided. The fees for receiving in either form, and for receiving paper copies, are described in your Disclosures. In order to receive your account information in an electronic form, the receiving system may have to meet specific requirements. We will keep you informed of any change to the minimum hardware or software requirements.
51. Signatures. Your signature on the Account Information form is your authorized signature. You authorize us, at any time, to charge you for all checks, drafts, orders, or other items for the payment of money, that are drawn on us regardless of by whom or by what means (including facsimile signature(s)) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the signature specimen in our files. For withdrawal and for other purposes relating to any account you have with us, we are authorized to recognize your signature; and we will not be liable to you for refusing to honor signed instruments or instructions if we believe in good faith that one or more of the signatures appearing on the instrument or instruction is not genuine.
If your items are signed using any facsimile signature or non-manual form of signature, you acknowledge that it is solely for your benefit and convenience. You agree that no facsimile signature you have authorized us to honor may be considered a forgery or an unauthorized signature, and that every authorized facsimile signature shall be effective as the signatory’s own original, manual signature. You accept sole responsibility for maintaining security over any device affixing the signature as such signature will be effective regardless of whether the person affixing it was authorized to do so. Your authorization notwithstanding, we are not obligated to accept or pay any items bearing facsimile signatures.
Further, most checks, drafts, orders, or other items are processed automatically, i.e., without individual review of each item. Therefore, unless we agree in a separate writing, in our sole discretion, upon your request and due to unique circumstances to conduct individual review of checks, drafts, orders, or other items for more than one signer, you agree that we are acting within common and reasonable banking practices by automatically processing these items. You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from and against all loss, costs, damage, liability, and other injury (including reasonable attorney fees) that you or we may suffer or incur as a result of this practice.
52. Restrictive Legends. We are not required to honor any restrictive legend on checks you write unless we have agreed to the restriction in a writing signed by an officer of the financial institution. Examples of restrictive legends are “two signatures required”, “must be presented within 90 days” or “not valid for more than $1,000.00.”
53. Our Waiver of Rights. You understand and agree that no delay or failure on our part to exercise any right, remedy, power or privilege available to us under this Agreement shall affect or preclude our future exercise of that right, remedy, power or privilege.
54. Your Waiver of Notice. By signing the signature card/Account Information form, you waive any notice of non-payment, dishonor or protest regarding any items credited to or charged against your deposit account to the extent permitted by law. For example, if a check that you deposited is dishonored and returned to us, we are not required to notify you of the dishonor.
55. Death or Incompetency. Neither your death nor a legal adjudication of incompetence revokes our authority to accept, pay, or collect items until we know of the fact of death or of an adjudication of incompetence and have a reasonable opportunity to act on it. To the extent permitted by law, even with knowledge, we may for 10 days after the date of death, pay checks drawn on or before the date of death unless ordered to stop payment by a person claiming an interest in the account.
ACCOUNT SPECIFIC PROVISIONS. In addition to the General Rules, the following rules apply to specific types of accounts:
Checking Accounts. If your account is a checking account, it will be either non-interest bearing or interest bearing as defined in the Truth in Savings Disclosure.
Withdrawals. Deposits will be available for withdrawal consistent with the terms of our Disclosures. Withdrawals may be subject to a service charge.
Withdrawal Notice Requirements. If your account is a NOW account or a non-demand deposit checking account, we have the right to require seven (7) days prior written notice from you of your intent to withdraw any funds from your account.
Withdrawals. We have the right to require seven (7) days prior written notice from you of your intent to withdraw any funds from your account. Withdrawals may be subject to a service charge.
Transaction Limitations. Our policy allows us to restrict the number of transfers or withdrawals you can make on a Money Market Account and Savings Account, or we may allow you to make an unlimited number of transfers or withdrawals from these accounts.
—Restrictions on Money Market and Savings Accounts. If we restrict the number of transfers or withdrawals you can make on these accounts, you understand that we will not allow more transfers or withdrawals than the maximum number specified in the Disclosures, and we may close your account, take away your ability to transfer funds, charge you a fee, or convert the account to a checking or other transaction account if the restriction is violated.
—No Restrictions on Money Market and Savings Accounts. If we do not restrict the number of transfers or withdrawals you can make on these accounts, your account may still be subject to other transaction limitations. Please refer to the Disclosures to understand which transaction limitations, if any, apply to your account.
Passbooks. If your account is a passbook account and you wish to make a withdrawal without your passbook, we can refuse to allow the withdrawal. If your passbook is lost or stolen, you will immediately notify us in writing.
Account Terms. The Certificate bears interest at the rate and basis as set forth on the Certificate. The terms of the Certificate, such as the interest rate(s), Annual Percentage Yield (“APY”), length of term period, renewability, and date of maturity are specified on the Certificate and in the Disclosures provided to you at the time of account opening. Interest will not be compounded unless noted and will be paid to you at the frequency and in the method noted. If interest compounds during the term of the Certificate and may be withdrawn prior to maturity, the withdrawal of interest prior to maturity will affect the APY.
Withdrawal Prior To Maturity. You have contracted to keep the account funds on deposit from the issue date until the maturity date. We may accept a request by you for withdrawal of some or all of the account funds prior to the maturity date at our discretion or as otherwise described in the Disclosures.
Additional Deposits During The Term. No additional deposits will be allowed to this account during its term unless otherwise described in the Disclosures.
Early Withdrawal Penalty. Unless provided otherwise in the Disclosures, we will assess an early withdrawal penalty on any withdrawal, either partial or in whole, that we allow you to make from your account prior to the account’s maturity date. The method for determining that penalty is described in the Disclosures.
Renewal. Automatic Renewal Certificates will renew automatically on the stated maturity date of its term. Such renewal will be for a time period equal or similar to the original term and subject to these terms and conditions. Interest for that renewal term will be paid at the interest rate then in effect at this financial institution for similar accounts. If you close the Certificate within the grace period following the maturity date, we will not charge an early withdrawal penalty for that withdrawal. The grace period following a maturity date is described in the Disclosures.
Single Maturity. Single Maturity Certificates will not automatically renew at maturity. The Disclosures describe our policy concerning the account’s status following the maturity date. To ensure a continuation of interest earning, you must arrange for a new investment of the account balance.
Revised 9/2024